@@ -15,6 +15,92 @@
<view class="lang-item" v-for="langItem in langList" @click.stop="setLocaleLang(langItem.name)">{{langItem.value}}</view>
+ <view :style="{'height':(100+(showLang?langList.length*100:0))+'rpx'}"></view>
+ <view class="index-tab">
+ <view class="tab-items">
+ <view class="tab-item" @click.stop="setTabNum(1)" :class="{'select-item':tabNum===1}">{{$t('index.index.tab.one')}}</view>
+ <view class="tab-item" @click.stop="setTabNum(0)" :class="{'select-item':tabNum===0}">{{$t('index.index.tab.two')}}</view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="tab-item-bg" :class="{'bg-location-1':tabNum===1,'bg-location-0':tabNum===0}"></view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="tab-one" v-if="tabNum===0">
+ <view class="index-content">
+ <view class="content-my">
+ <view class="my-img"><image src="@/static/img/index/my-img.png"></image></view>
+ <view class="my-text">{{$t('index.index.my.title')}}</view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="content-data">
+ <view class="data-item">BP1.08</view>
+ <view class="data-item">{{$t('index.index.data.text')}}</view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="content-item">
+ <view class="item-value">{{$t('index.index.item.one')}}</view>
+ <view class="item-value">ID:</view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="content-item">
+ <view class="item-value">{{$t('index.index.item.two')}}</view><view class="item-value"></view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="content-item">
+ <view class="item-value">{{$t('index.index.item.three')}}</view><view class="item-value"></view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="content-share">
+ <view class="share-title">{{$t('index.index.share.one')}}</view>
+ <view class="share-join">{{$t('index.index.share.two')}}</view>
+ <view class="share-join share-copy">{{$t('index.index.share.three')}}</view>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="index-list">
+ <view class="list-title">
+ <view class="title-img"><image src="@/static/img/index/my-img.png"></image></view>
+ <view class="title-text">{{$t('index.index.list.title')}}</view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="list-item">
+ <view class="item-name">{{$t('index.index.list.item1')}}</view>
+ <view class="item-name">{{$t('index.index.list.item2')}}</view>
+ <view class="item-name">{{$t('index.index.list.item3')}}</view>
+ <view class="item-name">{{$t('index.index.list.item4')}}</view>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="tab-two" v-else>
+ <view class="content-item content-one">
+ <view class="content-title">
+ <view class="title-item"><view class="item-solid"></view> <view class="item-text">Contracts</view></view>
+ <view class="title-item"><view class="item-text">How bn.dao contracts work</view></view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="content-img">
+ <image src="@/static/img/index/p_0.c3c2de4e.png"></image>
+ </view>
+ <view class="content-text">
+ <view class="text-title">The main advantage of the bn.dao ?</view>
+ <view class="text-title">One key to start</view>
+ <view class="text-title">Provide users with an integrated solution to automatically income that takes into account both high yield and high liquidity. Even novice users can easily get started.</view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="content-but">Start now</view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="content-item content-two">
+ <view class="content-title">
+ <view class="title-item"><view class="item-solid"></view> <view class="item-text">Earn interest</view></view>
+ <view class="title-item"><view class="item-text">The interest source of the</view></view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="content-text">
+ <view class="text-title">It aims to become a high-yield stablecoin Yu'e Bao, providing users with stablecoin interest income with the highest return in the market. Currently supported currencies Including
+ BNB (BSC) based on Ethereum, BNB (BEP20) based on Binance based. Users only need to deposit tokens into the cooperative wallet App, and they can periodically obtain interest
+ income.</view>
+ <view class="text-title">As an interest aggregator, the BSC network has opened up a lending/liquidity protocol at the bottom layer. Through predictable currency holding data, we can dynamically adjust the
+ transaction volume according to the rise and fall of miners' fees, which can provide users with access to market The highest deposit interest. We will continue to evaluate and
+ integrate more open financial protocols, including Hybrid lending platform.</view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="content-but">Start now</view>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="index-button">
+ <view class="button-item">Binance Smart Contract</view>
+ <view class="button-item">Financial Program</view>
+ </view>
@@ -28,7 +114,8 @@ export default {
systemLocale: '',
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isAjax: false,
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+ tabNum:0,
@@ -51,6 +138,11 @@ export default {
this.$i18n.locale = code;
this.applicationLocale = code;
this.showLang = false
+ },
+ setTabNum(tabNum){
+ if(tabNum!==this.tabNum){
+ this.tabNum=tabNum
+ }
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+ position: absolute;
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+ image{
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+ }
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+ color: #292d33;
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+ margin-top: 20rpx;
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