send('eth_call', [$params, 'latest']); } // 执行sendRawTransaction public function sendTransaction($data, &$error = null) { return $this->send('sendTransaction', $data, $error); } // 执行sendRawTransaction public function sendRawTransaction($sign, &$error = null) { return $this->send('eth_sendRawTransaction', [$sign], $error); } // 执行getTransactionReceipt public function getTransactionReceipt($hash) { return $this->send('eth_getTransactionReceipt', [$hash]); } // 获取交易笔数 public function getTransactionCount($address) { return $this->send('eth_getTransactionCount', [$address, 'pending']); } // 获取gas单价 protected $gasPrice; public function getGasPrice() { if ($this->gasPrice === null) { $gasPrice = $this->send('eth_gasPrice'); $range = [5, 200]; // 单位gwei $gasPrice = Utils::hex2dec($gasPrice); $gasPrice = Utils::convertUnit($gasPrice, 'wei', 'gwei'); $gasPrice = max($gasPrice, $range[0]); $gasPrice = min($gasPrice, $range[1]); $gasPrice = Utils::convertUnit($gasPrice, 'gwei', 'wei'); $this->gasPrice = Utils::dec2hex($gasPrice); } return $this->gasPrice; } // 预估tx消耗的gas public function estimateGas($tx) { $limit = $this->send('eth_estimateGas', [$tx]); if (!$limit) { $limit = 100000; } if(is_numeric($limit))$limit=Utils::dec2hex($limit); return $limit; } // 获取eth余额 public function getBalance($address) { $bnb= $this->send('eth_getBalance', [$address, 'latest']); if(empty($bnb)){ return 0; }else{ return Utils::int2fund(Utils::hex2dec($bnb)); } } /** * * @param string $method The method of jsonrpc * @param array $params The params of jsonrpc * @return bool|mixed */ public function send($method, $params = [], &$error = null) { $query = []; $query['jsonrpc'] = '2.0'; $query['method'] = $method; $query['params'] = $params; $query['id'] = ++$this->id; $rawResp = Utils::post($this->url, json_encode($query), $this->timeout); $resp = @json_decode($rawResp, true); if ($resp === false || !is_array($resp)) { $error = $resp; return false; } if (isset($resp['error'])) { $error = $resp['error']; return false; } return $resp['result']; } public function __call($name, $params) { return $this->send($name, $params); } }